Monday marked the 6 month birthday for the twins! I can't believe we've made it 6 months on a whole lot of levels.
1. 6 months with 2 babies has simply flown by. My friend Julie says it's because I haven't had time to stop and think about it..she might be on to something...
2. Quinlan has put up with 2 babies for 6 months with no injuries to either party!
3..and most importantly to me...I've successfully breastfed the twins for 6 months, which was my initial goal, and I am continuing on in hopes of making it to a year.
I'll add #4...The days are getting much easier. The twins seem to be synching themselves with each other and naps are becoming more regular and routine....yay! If this continues I'll be able to blog more..I simply haven't had the time.
*What are your thoughts about breastfeeding past 6 months? Keep it respectful!