Thursday, July 8, 2010

~*9 months!*~

Paige and Aiden have now been around for longer than they were in my belly!

After a lovely loooong weekend in Massachusetts with my parents, family, and friends, I came home to two bottom teeth for Aiden. I was very excited for him, in theory, because he hasn't done anything first. Paige's water broke, she was born first, latched first, slept through the night first, sat up first, crawled first, and pulled up to standing first (Adien still hasn't done that)...but no teeth for Paigey girl just yet.

HOOOOOWEVER! How quickly I was reminded that a child who is ACTUALLY TEETHING is MUCH worse than a child YOU THINK is teething......whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. That's Aiden now..whiiine whiiine..and I need wine wine wine..;)

On top of this, Paige and Aiden are developing very different and interesting personalities.

Paige is 2 things for certain: 1. 100% GIRL and 2. 100% girl version of Quinn..........god help me. She is silly, fearless, resilient, and tolerant (specifically of Quinn). She can fall and bump her head several times before she even whines, let alone cries. She's demanding in her own way (high pitched screeches- sound like anyone I've mentioned?) and tests Aiden's patience by CONSTANTLY taking his toys/food/cup/etc.

Aiden is also 2 things for certain: 1. 100% momma's boy and 2. 100% sensitive....Aiden is quiet, observant, studious, and has no problem doing things- in his own time. The world is so big through Aiden's eyes and he sometimes needs a minute...He can fall over from sitting up and burst in to tears...He never considers falling as an's currently the end ;) He isn't so tolerant of Quinn, his antics, or Paige and her antics. He has a sweet silly heart of a goofy little boy and his 2 growing bottom front teeth. He's a wicked snuggler..which makes me happy- Im glad at least one kid is!

Quinn is getting better with listening..he's had minimal time outs lately, but they're always within reach..and sight..He's now going to the daycare he went to last summer...He's going Tuesdays/Thursdays from 730am-1130am...

Those days go like this: 1. Drop him off at daycare 2. come home and put twins down for a nap by 8 3. clean, eat breakfast, enjoy silence while putting laundry away 4. twins wake up, nurse, eat food, play 5. Pick Quinn up 6. Lunch time for him, pre-nap snack for babies 7. By 12-1230 aaaaaallll are down for a nap......thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you very much! It's great for him to have the interaction and activity with the kids and its great for me to get some things done in the am and let the twins have some quiet Quinn free playtime. It might continue in to the fall/winter- fingers crossed!!!

