Hello lovely readers:
I've finished week one of my stay-at-home-momness is finished and I'm alive...and so is Quinn...and Scott for that matter!
I've noticed I'm MUCH less tired at the end of the day and throughout the day since I'm not working outside the home at all, so that's helped me emotionally for sure!
Anyway, let's get to it.
The butt winner is: PINXAV!!!!!! The stuff is pink...like pepto pink almost...Also, it has a scent of eucalyptus oil, which probably accounts for the instant relief the babe feels when you put it on..it cools but it doesn't burn. Be warned- the stuff is pink and it stays that way, meaning when you go to change the next diaper, there is going to be pink stuff on the diaper...it's slightly shocking lol but it's all good.
The weather has been my ABSOLUTE best friend this past week. It's been absolutely gorgeous outside all day, meaning I get to take Quinn outside once or twice a day for long periods of time which is good for both of us! He gets to run out all his crazy energy and I can stock up on some Vitamin D hehehe.
I'm right this minute watching the Documentary "The Business of Being Born" and it makes me very thankful for Dr. Kirollos's practice. Although it's at a hospital, it's run like a birthing center in that there's lots of care from the midwife and nurses and you're generally left alone. Even though I had a c-section with Quinn, I'm not offended by this movie (which is HIGHLY anti warcry c-section)....My water broke at midnight, Fridaynight 2-1-08...by 5:00ish on Saturday evening (16 hours later) I was only dilated 3cm and that was ON pitocin! I can remember every contraction I had...which was like 3...the Pitocin wasn't working...the birth process seemed to have stopped at my water breaking..So, c-section it was.
With the twins I'll be having a c-section for a number of reasons. lWhen I found out I was pregnant with what I thought was JUST #2 I considered transferring my care to Plattsburgh because they allow VBACs and AMC in Saranac Lake doesn't. Even before we found out it was twins I decided against it because....wait...let me pause to say that some guy on this documentary just said moms who give birth by c-section don't have the "love hormones" released and if monkeys give birth by c-section they don't bond with their babies and don't want them..........................FUCK YOU DUDE...ok anyway..I like Dr. K's practicea nd I feel very comfortable with my care there.
Now that it's twins, AMC doesn't do Vaginal births for twins for an umber of reasons and I could, again, transfer to another hospital, but I don't feel as comfortable with that. Furthermore, as of my last ultrasound, both twins are breech so it wouldn't be promising for a vag. delivery anyway...
This week coming up is BUSY!!!
Monday- My dad comes home from China for good! I am getting a prenatal massage at the Mirror Lake Inn..thank the LOOOOORRRD!!
Wednesday- Appt. with Dr. K at 8:40 am and a NST
Thursday- Ultrasound at 10:00 I do believe, with Brenda at Dr. K's office!
Friday-Sunday- Mom and Dad come visit!!
Continued prayers for good check-ups and that I stay pregnant for at least another 2 weeks!
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