Before getting on with my apologies and a synopsis of the last 15 weeks I would like to post my birth story of Paige Ellen and Aiden Robert, born 10/05/2009 (3 days after my last post).
Recovery from this c-section has been much easier then my c-section with Quinn. The nurse said normally 2nd c-sections are easier because we know what to expect. Also, she said moms of multiples tend to do better because it's just such a relief to have them out! The story is long but thanks for reading!!
Baby's Name: Paige Ellen and Aiden Robert
Date of Birth: 10/5/09
Original Due Date: 10/29, c-section scheduled for 10/15
Weeks Pregnant: 36 weeks 5 days
Weight: Paige- 6 pounds 1 ounce & Aiden- 7 pounds even
Height: Paige- 20.5 inches & Aiden- 21 inches
Sunday night (10/4) I felt "off." I was restless, couldn't get comfortable, and was a little nauseated. I couldn't eat much and even soaking in the bath didn't help. Luckily I got some sleep and started my Monday as usual.
I had my regular OB appt. at 10:20. I told the midwife I had been feeling stronger contractions and some pressure. She decided to do my "pre op" questionnaire then since she said I likely wouldn't make it until next week. She also checked me and I was 1cm dilated but my cervix was nice and long.
My BP is usually low but it was high in the office, but when I went down for my NST it was normal. However, I was having regular contractions that were moving from my lower back around my hips and to the front and they were quite strong. They gave me an IV of fluid to see if I was dehydrated or if they were "real" contractions. They slowed down and after I finished the IV bag they sent me home at 3:00pm
I hadn't eaten since 9:00am so I ate a quarter pounder and fries when I got home. I still was feeling off and Scott was taking care of Quinn (20 months) so around 5:30pm I took a bath. When I got out I got in my PJs and told Scott I'd draw Quinn's bath. I knelt in front of the tub, started the water and added the soap. When I stood up..."guuuuush" and my water broke. I sat on the toilet and waited for Scott to come in to give Q his bath. He said, "what are you doing?!" I said "Don't water broke..We'll give Quinn a bath, I'll call my parents (4 hour drive) , Ben and Julie (friends to come watch Q) and the OB unit."
I told OB I'd be about 20 minutes as we waited for Ben and Julie to come. 15 minutes later the doc himself called me to make sure I was on my way. I didn't realize they were urgently waiting for me. I told DH they clearly were going to do the C section right when I got there and he would have to be in the room with me, instead of my mom.
Luckily, when Ben and Julie got there Julie offered to sit in the room with me because Scott is too squeemish. She drove me to the hospital and Scott followed. I should note Julie was pregnent and due 10/26 haha. Anyway, we got to the hospital and we were strolling up the parking lot and 2 nurses were waiting for me with a wheelchair! lol!
At 7:00pm I got in to one of the L&D rooms and there was myself and Julie, my midwife, doctor, 3 nurses and the anesthesiologist. The doc was supervising, midwife putting catheter in, one nurse shaving me, one nurse putting the IV in my had, one nurse supervising and the anesthesiologist asking questions (like when did I last eat......remember the 1/4 pounder at 330? It's about to make a cameo).
They get me in to the OR probably around 7:10 or 7:20, did the spinal (he had to do it 2x but I was numb from the local so it didn't matter).
The babies were out at 7:43 and 7:44 pm!!
It was Paige's water bag that was broken. She was frank breech in the womb (butt on cervix) but rather than her legs being stright up she was kind of squatting so when on her back she has little froggy legs, but they are straightening now.
I didn't realize how out of breath I was until they pulled Paige out and I said "HOLY HELL I CAN BREATHE AGAIN!" and the whole OR laughed.
After the babies are out I returned the 1/4 pounder via vomit. It's odd throwing up while on your back and not feeling the lower half of your body! haha, all is well now though.
Both babies are absolutely wonderful and they are champs at nursing!! The first few sessions I had assistance to latch on but the last few I haven't needed it..I just need to get the hang of tandem feeding which will be tomorrow's project!
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