Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I now have 3 under 3...rather than 3 under 2

Quinlan is 2...2 years old...I can officially only KIND OF call him a baby for another year..He IS technically a toddler..but a 2 year old is still sweet...ish.......Don't get me wrong, he's about as rambunctious as they come but he still babbles, calls me mommy, sings part of his homemade lullabye with me and, above all, still thinks I'm just the best person in the world.

I posted a birthday message to him on my BabyCenter February 208 Birthboard that read:

Dear Quinn,

You've handled your second year with grace, fervor, and fearlessness. You've taken on a move in to your first "family home" that mommy and daddy bought. You welcomed a brother AND a sister on the SAME day in October and you love them unconditionally (despite the smack on the head here and there). And, true to form, on the eve of your second birthday you decided you've had enough of the crib, forcing mommy to turn your crib in to a toddler day-bed. You only slept 7 hours last night but nap today went well and bedtime tonight went better. I love that you move to the next stage of things so quickly and cold-turkey..but take it easy when you leave the little kid stage, ok?

Love you,


His 2nd birthday snuck up on me during the twins' first 4 months. The first 8 weeks with the twins was something out of a sci-fi/horror/comedy/drama/docu-givemeabreak-ary. Scheduling was out the window, partially due to breastfeeding (which I'm still doing thankyouverymcuh) and the rest due to the fact that I had 2 FRIGGEN INFANTS AND A TODDLER..It was enough to do to make sure I ATE, and everyone else ate, nevermind WHEN THEY ATE.

Things are calming down now. I know some of you think it silly that I would even interject the word CALM in to my blog about life with 3 little people but it's true. The twins have started eating every 3 hours during the day and they're getting up only once (rarely 2x) a night at this point during a 12 hour period. Their naps are starting to organize themselves and I am putting them down at the same time for all of their naps...It just makes sense for my life.

I'm seeing the light, slowly, and I need to decide where to go from here. I'll be blogging about my daily rediculousness, the struggle to lose weight (which apparently for me is nearly impossible while breastfeeding) and the struggle to keep a marriage together (which seems nearly impossible at times...we always need to remind ourselves we're on the SAME team)....I guess I'll be going in all of these directions and you'll follow me...because you love me!



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