Sunday, January 23, 2011


This time of year in this part of the country gets me down and batty all at the same time. Up here in Saranac Lake, NY (that has been on the national news for the last 2 days with record LOW temps) has such a LOOOOOOOOOONG winter that January feels like it's only the beginning. It's tough to take the kids outside when it's below 20 degrees. And, when it's below 20 degrees so frequently, we all get a little pent up!

Quinn is especially pent up. Since the twins just started walking, they spend their days wandering. But not our Quinn. Alas, we'll be getting him an exercise trampoline for his birthday. That's right, a mini trampoline that he can use in the house. They use one at his daycare on snowy/rainy days and it's the perfect mechanism to get the sillies out. My parent's are getting him a larger one with netting for outside, but it will be late April before that's operational.

I am looking forward to heading to Massachusetts for Quinn's 3rd (YES THIRD!) birthday in 2 weeks. We're having 2 parties, essentially. On Friday the 4th we're having an "adult" party after all the kids are in bed to celebrate 3 years of parenting for me and Scott. Basically this is an excuse to be able to hear adult conversation over some adult beverages. Then, on Saturday the 5th we'll have his actual party with family members.

My friend Amy and I have been doing Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. Last week we started Level 2. I have done it (level 2) 3 times (well 4 including the aerobics class I took Friday that was almost identical to the JM workout- ouch). I will need to do it for another full week before moving on to Level 3. Level 2 is a cruel bitch.

How are everyone's resolutions going?

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