Saturday, February 12, 2011

Potty Training........and Weight Watchers.

Like the period at the end of "Potty Training"? That's the little space in which I wish to curl up and die.......

There needs to be some place for parents to send their toddlers for 2 weeks, overnights, to potty train them. Not every parent is cut out for it I'm sure. I am sure of this because I can handle a lot. I had twins when Quinn was 20 months old for God's sake- I don't scare easily......But day #2 of potty training has my hair standing on end......Very few wetting accidents, but 3 poops in his pants. It's such a ridiculous mess to clean up poopy underwear....Just picture it- I'm not typing about it. I'm too overwhelmed to write, on to Weight Watchers.

I've toyed with the idea of re-joining Weight Watchers since the twins were born. Technically I joined shortly after they were born, but their nursing mothers program was not designed for those mothers nursing twins...Losing weight was honestly the furthest thing from my mind at that point.

HOWEVER, yesterday was the day. After 2 very inspirational Oprah episodes (If you hate Oprah don't bother reading my blog at all, lol) I felt ready to re join...That and a plateau to end all weight loss since SEPTEMBER! Anyway, they have re done their program and I can feel the difference. I certainly ate less today than I have in recent days, but not so much less that I am ready to eat the keyboard. I actually feel great. I had room for these cookies to boot!

Today I was able to get to the gym and run a mile on the treadmill and do 20 minutes on the elliptical. I felt good about that. I felt even better about these noodles, that are 1 pt for 8oz.

Anyway, today calls for a gigantic glass of whine wine.....


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